A Collision of Truths

Collision of TruthsA Collision of Truths, Robert Y. Ellis

A tragic story. The author was a staunch Christian Scientist and worked at the The Mother Church. A series of non-healings changed his attitude.

– Stacey

I loved this book! The author said it took him eight years to write. It comes from the heart.
– Ann

I love this one! I even reached out to the author last year and he emailed me back. I related so much to his story, and appreciated the fact that it didn’t bash Christian Science. It was just a heartfelt, honest retelling of his experience. It was difficult for me to read some of the stronger ex-CS stuff early in my departure and this was a great transition.

– Laura N.

I think it’s good to have such books written from the male perspective. I found Robert Ellis’s style very readable and when I contacted him, he was cordial and encouraging. He describes the impact on his thinking as he studied true science and read far more widely than Christian Science would allow. He describes in a sensitive way the effect of Christian Science on his family and his journey into new avenues of life.

– Katharine