The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

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Mental Health Support, Books & YouTube Videos

Many thanks to those who helped compile these lists and resources. Leaving Christian Science: The Mental Health Episodes Licensed social worker and former guest Cara returns to answer some questions about mental health posted in the ex-CS Facebook group. Great Big Book List Mental health book list for ex-CS by topic compiled by CaraUnderstanding shame […]

Easter Baskets Confound Me (re-post)

Originally posted April 2019. Happy Easter to those who celebrate Contributor Chrystal You can refer to so many posts on this page that share that “The Manual of The Mother Church” specifically states that we can have no special celebration for Easter. I got to thinking about this last week. The religion proclaims to be […]

Resources for former-CS to share with their therapists

Now that you’ve found a therapist, how do you explain Christian Science? Your experience with Christian Science should be front and center, but we understand how difficult Christian Science can be to explain. We’ve compiled a short list of articles and resources that may be helpful. The Scientific Statement of Being 
There is no life, […]

Step-By-Step: Finding a Therapist

How to find a therapist is an evergreen topic among former-Christian Scientists. In the United States, folks can get in touch with their insurance companies or speak to their primary care medical provider to get a referral. The Psychology Today website ( has been helpful for many former CS. Secular Therapy ( a guarantees a […]

Podcasts & YouTube Interviews with Former CS

The following is a nonexhaustive list of Podcasts/YouTube that highlight CS and former-CS issues. All links worked at the time of publishing. This post will be periodically updated. Podcasts and YouTube channel created by former CS Interviews with/First Hand Accounts from Former-CS by Never-CS Rita Swan Interviews There are more podcasts / youtube videos about […]

Thanksgiving 2023

The Thanksgiving Day service is the only ‘special’ service the Christian Science church offers. The readings from the desk include the Presidential proclamation for Thanksgiving, as well as a few passages from The Bible and Science and Health. The service is then opened to the congregation for them to share ‘testimonies of healing and sharing […]