The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Mental Health Support, Books & YouTube Videos

Many thanks to those who helped compile these lists and resources. Leaving Christian Science: The Mental Health Episodes Licensed social worker and former guest Cara returns to answer some questions about mental health posted in the ex-CS Facebook group. Great Big Book List Mental health book list for ex-CS by topic compiled by CaraUnderstanding shame […]

Thanksgiving 2023

The Thanksgiving Day service is the only ‘special’ service the Christian Science church offers. The readings from the desk include the Presidential proclamation for Thanksgiving, as well as a few passages from The Bible and Science and Health. The service is then opened to the congregation for them to share ‘testimonies of healing and sharing […]

Gender and Christian Science

By Jodi, a blog contributor Growing up in Christian Science, I was taught that other religions taught that God is a “He.” Like Jesus said in the Lord‘s prayer: “Our Father….” My dad’s favorite bumper sticker that he saw one time said this: “trust in the Lord, She will provide.” Christian Science Sunday school taught me that […]

Happy Easter to those here Under Familial Duress

With Easter this weekend, we wanted to give a special shout-out to the Inactive Members, Those Other People, and the Former(ly) (Active) Members who may be attending CS services under familial duress. Special thanks to Kat at kindism letting us re-post this! The Christian Science Community is a small one. It is not uncommon for […]

Women & Christian Science

March is Women’s History Month, and as Mary Baker Eddy is a historical figure, we’ve put together a list of popular posts, links and books that help put her in context, as well as contemporary women who are working to share their experiences with Christian Science and help support others. Contemporary Women who are speaking […]