The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Easter Baskets Confound Me (re-post)

Originally posted April 2019. Happy Easter to those who celebrate Contributor Chrystal You can refer to so many posts on this page that share that “The Manual of The Mother Church” specifically states that we can have no special celebration for Easter. I got to thinking about this last week. The religion proclaims to be […]

Podcasts & YouTube Interviews with Former CS

The following is a nonexhaustive list of Podcasts/YouTube that highlight CS and former-CS issues. All links worked at the time of publishing. This post will be periodically updated. Podcasts and YouTube channel created by former CS Interviews with/First Hand Accounts from Former-CS by Never-CS Rita Swan Interviews There are more podcasts / youtube videos about […]

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween was originally posted on October 31, 2017 and is being shared again, as it is seasonally relevant. I have seen Halloween experienced (or not) from many interesting perspectives throughout my life. A few years ago we moved in to a neighborhood that throws a big shebang every year at Halloween. The Home Owners […]

you scream, I scream, we all scream

Previously published at, republished with permission, and slight modifications for ice cream… Christian Scientists may abstain from alcohol, but they do not abstain from ice cream. Want to lure teenagers to Wednesday evening testimony meetings? Offer to take them to an ice cream social after. Want to entice your Sunday School class memorizing the […]

Gender and Christian Science

By Jodi, a blog contributor Growing up in Christian Science, I was taught that other religions taught that God is a “He.” Like Jesus said in the Lord‘s prayer: “Our Father….” My dad’s favorite bumper sticker that he saw one time said this: “trust in the Lord, She will provide.” Christian Science Sunday school taught me that […]

A Secular Christmas

By Jodi Happy December, everyone! I have written many posts on this blog. Two of the past posts I have done have been about celebrating Christmas or Yule or the Winter Solstice, after leaving Christian Science. I have talked about how my Christian Science parents taught me that “Santa Claus isn’t real,” because “we don’t […]