The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Thanksgiving 2022

The Thanksgiving Day service is the only ‘special’ service the Christian Science church offers. The readings from the desk include the Presidential proclamation for Thanksgiving, as well as a few passages from The Bible and Science and Health. The service is then opened to the congregation for them to share ‘testimonies of healing and sharing […]

Feeling Emotions

By Jodi, a Blog Contributor I am positive it’s been said elsewhere on this blog, multiple times, that Christian Science teaches that “there are bad emotions.” I am positive, also, that Christian Science is not the only belief system to teach this. I read an article recently that talked about Mary Baker Eddy being the […]

Adam & Eve

By Jodi, a blog contributor I was taught that the biggest difference between Christian Science and Christianity was that we viewed the Creation and Adam & Eve story differently from them.  I remember explaining to so many different people over the years, what this means, and I figured I should share this in this blog, […]

MBE’s Lasting Influences & Modern Day Impacts

A non-exhaustive Book List This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support of! Most CS who have been out for a few years have read at least one heart-wrenching former-CS memoir, one eye-opening unauthorized biography, and one book that talks about how CS is a cult (if you haven’t, here’s a book […]

Seasons Greetings

By Jodi, an Ex-Christian Scientist group contributor. “The Manual of The Mother Church” written by Mary Baker Eddy, has a guideline about not celebrating Easter. As far as I remember, it has no such thing about Christmas.  I think each Christian Science family does their own thing about Christmas. Some folks celebrate with meals, family […]

Thanksgiving 2021

The Thanksgiving Day service is the only ‘special’ service the Christian Science church offers. The readings from the desk include the Presidential proclamation for Thanksgiving, as well as a few passages from The Bible and Science and Health. The service is then opened to the congregation for them to share ‘testimonies of healing and sharing […]