Calvin Frye

A collection of references discussing Calvin Frye and Mary Baker Eddy. Many have heard the legend of Eddy raising Calvin Frye from the dead. The, following links neither prove, nor disprove, they simply provide further information.

From Wikipedia:

Calvin Augustine Frye (August 24, 1845 – April 26, 1917) was the personal assistant of Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910), the founder of Christian Science. Living in Eddy’s homes at 569 Columbus AvenueBoston, and later at Pleasant View, Concord, New Hampshire, and Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, Frye ran the houses, managed her personal affairs, and dealt with her official correspondence.[1] He was reportedly with her practically every day from August 1882, when he joined her household as her chief aide, until she died in December 1910.[2]


The interesting part: 

One incident that occurred while Mrs. Eddy lived in the home was the death and raising of Calvin A. Frye, her personal secretary. Miss Julia S. Bartlett relayed the event to Lottie Clark in the 1920s: “Miss [Julia] Bartlett said that while Mrs. Eddy was living at 385 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mr. Calvin Frye suddenly passed on, and Mrs. Eddy raised him from the dead. Some time elapsed from the moment he passed on until Mrs. Eddy restored him to life. One of the students who witnessed this demonstration asked Mr. Frye what his experience was during the time that, to them he seemed to be dead. He replied that he was in the pantry eating pie!” (Mary Baker Eddy Christian Healer, p. 269).




Further related reading & links: