The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Mary Baker Eddy on Race and Slavery

Many people and institutions in the United States are going through serious self-examination on the question of race right now. Christian Scientists must look at the legacy of Mary Baker Eddy on the question of race and slavery. I grew up believing that Mary Baker Eddy was a brave abolitionist while living in the South, […]

Conscientious Objectors & War

A collection of references related to Christian Science, Conscientious Objectors and War There is no ground on which conscientious objectors can rest, since Christian Scientists maintain that in reality no war ever happened – it is just a gigantic upheaval of mortal mind. A firm friend of Christian Science wrote in 1917, ‘… from a strictly […]

Calvin Frye

A collection of references discussing Calvin Frye and Mary Baker Eddy. Many have heard the legend of Eddy raising Calvin Frye from the dead. The, following links neither prove, nor disprove, they simply provide further information. From Wikipedia: Calvin Augustine Frye (August 24, 1845 – April 26, 1917) was the personal assistant of Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910), the founder of Christian […]

Key Thinkers that Pre-dated MBE: Swedenborg, Berkeley, & Hegel.

This is part of our series Where did “Science & Health” come from? This post briefly covers Emanuel Swedenborg, Bishop George Berkeley, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Emanuel Swedenborg Wikipedia tells us Emmanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, and mystic best known for his book Heaven and its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen (Latin name De Caelo et […]

Quimby & Wiggin – no one wants to share the fame

This is part of our series Where did “Science & Health” come from? This post briefly covers two Phineas Pankhurst Quimby – her mentor and James Henry Wiggin – her editor. Phineas Parkhurts Quimby While Ms. Eddy was undoubtedly influenced by Quimby, the general consensus is that the conclusions she came to are entirely her own. Eddy biographer Edwin […]

Where did “Science & Health” come from?

Mary Baker Eddy claimed that her work was “hopelessly original.”1 But was it? Are we to believe that her philosophy and her system of mind healing came to her through divine inspiration, without any influence from the intellectual preoccupations of her times? In fact, nearly everything in her teachings, as laid out in her textbook, […]

Cross & Crown

A collection of references regarding the Cross and Crown imagery used in Christian Science. Trademark information about the Cross and Crown from The Mother Church The Cross and Crown seal is a registered trademark of the Christian Science Board of Directors. Therefore, anyone making use of the seal must first have a formal license issued through the […]

Free Masons

A collection of references discussing the Masonic connections of Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science. If you’re looking for a great conspiracy theory, look no further, Mary Baker Eddy and her Masonic Connections! The Free Masons are behind many great conspiracy theories so it comes as no surprise that Ms. Eddy herself was involved with them! Like […]