This is for those of you who are not and have never been “in” Christian Science. For the curious who would like to learn more. For those of you with friends who were raised in it or loved ones who have “discovered” it and you’re trying to understand – this post will be updated as new material is available.
FAQ About Christian Science & the CS Experience
For the never-CS who are curious.
Basic Overview of CS & CS History
Christian Science – via Wikipedia
Linking to wikipedia feels a little cliche, but in this case the article provides a solid overview of the history of the religion and provides sources and notes at the bottom of the article for further reading.
Historical Context of CS
- ExCS Posts categorized as “Historical Context”
- Cucumbers Cause Cholera – why CS seemed logical in the 1800s.
“Science” in Christian Science
Bible Lessons & CS Lit
- Emerging Gently’s series on the Weekly Lesson Sermon Subjects
- Kindism’s take on Authorized CS Lit and the Cost of Christian Science
Why do people buy into it?
- Emerging Gently’s piece on Confirmation Bias & CS
- Kindism shares her father’s story – Why Would Anyone Join?

This site offers support resources to help individuals negotiate a transition in a manner that best fits their needs and convictions. We do not advocate any one particular path but acknowledge that there are many legitimate pathways that can be personally and spiritually fulfilling.
The Mother Church, Boston Ma. Board of Directors. Etc…… Never question about finances. One is expected to purchase Monitor, Journal, Lessons,Quarterly,, plus contributions. Does the Church ever help with natural disasters? Does it contribute for homeless? Just one of the questions I ponder.
After the hurricane devastated Houston, some of the other churches in Texas and “offered support.” I am not aware of the details though, however, I believe it was more substantial than simply sending “thoughts and prayers.”