The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Ancient, Basic, and Genuine Spirituality

By Jeremy, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group editor/writer. This is part of our on-going series about people who have left Christian Science for a new spiritual path. Find other related posts under the tag, ‘other spiritual paths’. In March 2009, my mother died after a short battle with an unknown illness. Later that same year in December, […]

Why can’t Nana keep up with us?

By a contributor to The Ex-Christian Scientist. “Why can’t Nana keep up with us?” my child asked. The question hung in the air. “She’s older,” I replied. “She’s not as young and energetic as you are.” This answer seemed to satisfy my child, who skipped further up the path, leaving me to wait for Nana. But […]

My thoughts on Father’s Day…

This originally appeared on Emerging Gently, and is re-published here–with some edits, with permission. A few years ago on Father’s Day, I shared a picture of my Dad on my Facebook timeline. Unlike many other pictures that people share of their fathers on Father’s Day, I don’t share the camera space with him in this […]

Ex-Christian Scientist Book Survey

Compiled by the editors of The Ex-Christian Scientist. We were curious as to the past and current reading habits of former Christian Scientists, so we did what any good group of curious website editors would do: we did a survey. This is by no means a scientific survey–that would require more thought and planning than […]

Ex-Christian Scientist Survey (Part Three)

By Jeremy, an Ex-Christian Scientist group editor/writer. This is the third of three posts. For all other posts related to this, please see the tag Ex-CS Survey 2016. You’ve probably read the first two installments about our survey, and wondered, what more is there to say? Well, there’s a bit. In 2014, the author of the blog Emerging […]

Ex-Christian Scientist Survey (Part Two)

Compiled by the editors of The Ex-Christian Scientist. This is the second of three posts. For all posts related to this, see the tag Ex-CS Survey 2016. In the first post on our 2016 survey of former Christian Scientists, we focused on the answers to a number of multiple choice questions. While these pointed up a number of […]

Ex-Christian Scientist Survey (Part One)

Compiled by the editors of The Ex-Christian Scientist. This is the first of three posts. For all posts related to this, see the tag Ex-CS Survey 2016. Recently, we took a very unscientific (but more scientific than Christian Science could ever be) survey of some former Christian Scientists, to see what their backgrounds were, how they got into […]

Five Questions – Prin Edition (T’s Answers)

Why did you attend Principia? My parents decided and I said fine. There was a private school up the road that I liked better, but it was too far to commute and too close to board. I’m sure that my parents liked the idea of the Christian Science community too. One parent had attended Prin […]

Are Christian Scientists free to choose medical care or not?

By Bruce, an Ex-Christian Scientist group writer. A number of child death cases in the 1980s and 90s involving Christian Scientists, exposed The Mother Church, Christian Science practitioners, and Christian Science nurses to the potential of criminal and/or civil liability for the deaths of children under their care and/or treatment. The Church subsequently published a […]

Visiting the pharmacy

By Jeremy, an Ex-Christian Scientist group editor/writer. Other than the doctor’s office and the hospital, the other scary new place for the former Christian Scientist entering the new (to them) world of medical care, is the pharmacy. At some point in their lives, almost everybody who seeks medical care will need to have a prescription […]