The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Chrystal’s Story: The Year I Left Christian Science

This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. A Wedding at Principia During my Reunion Weekend A few years ago, I went to my brother’s wedding weekend at Principia College’s Chapel (it’s a beautiful campus, with buildings designed by nationally renowned architect, Bernard Maybeck. See: […]

Do Not Grieve, There is Nothing to Grieve About

The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Science collective about how death is ‘handled’ in Christian Science.   I have found Christian Science’s ‘do not grieve, there’s nothing to grieve about’ instruction to be particularly damaging. It leads those who have lost loved ones to feel ashamed—the deeper the love, the greater the shame. […]