The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

I dreamed in a red haze all night.

The following has been submitted by “Anonymous Guy in Ohio.” In general, I was a very healthy child growing up in our Christian Science household, so many of the intricacies about CS’s distaste for modern medicine avoided my awareness.  Never had a broken bone.  No allergies.  Outside of a few severe seasonal colds, I never […]

Interview with the Author of “Cult Survivor”

Cult Survivor by Chrystal Cole is the latest exCS memoir now available from Amazon. The ExCS site sat down with Chrystal to talk about her new book and why she is speaking up. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, this post contains affiliate links. Chrystal was born a fourth generation Christian Scientist. She believed in […]

Hindsight is 20/20

This is Part 2 of a multi-part story of one woman’s journey leaving Christian Science. For all posts see ‘Spice‘. I have been unable to see properly for at least half of my life. While a lot of modern day Christian Scientists don’t go to doctors, many of them do go to eye doctors, because Mary […]

Chrystal’s Story – It’s time we teach you how to pray

By Chrystal, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. Chrystal is a pseudonym, to ensure anonymity. I remember being called in to my parents room, I might have been in third or fourth grade. I was told, “it’s time we teach you how to pray.” My parents had me get a sheet of loose leaf paper and a pencil. […]

I’m still the odd man out

By Renee, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. I am a medical assistant at a health and wellness practice. Recently at work we started this 30-day affirmation challenge. I read through all of the materials and was instantly troubled. The document was something along the lines of ‘Positive Affirmations for a Healthy, Happy Life.’ I am […]

Growing up in Christian Science

The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Science collective about growing up in Christian Science.    It was very difficult to explain my religion’s beliefs to my friends. I was always trying to make it sound like a more ‘normal’ religion, in fact writing “United Church” on a form once because I was embarrassed […]

You were *supposed* to stay out for two weeks

By Marie. ‘Marie’ is a pseudonym. This was originally published on Emerging Gently, and it is shared here with permission. My mom sent me back to school too soon after having chicken pox. I had come down with it during a Girl Scouts camping weekend in fourth grade. It was right after my parents separated […]