I dreamed in a red haze all night.
The following has been submitted by “Anonymous Guy in Ohio.” In general, I was a very healthy child growing up in our Christian Science.
Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science
The following has been submitted by “Anonymous Guy in Ohio.” In general, I was a very healthy child growing up in our Christian Science.
Cult Survivor by Chrystal Cole is the latest exCS memoir now available from Amazon. The ExCS site sat down with Chrystal to talk about her new book.
This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. A note from Chrystal: I was born.
This is Part 2 of a multi-part story of one woman’s journey leaving Christian Science. For all posts see ‘Spice‘. I have been unable.
By Chrystal, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. Chrystal is a pseudonym, to ensure anonymity. I remember being called in to my parents room, I might have.
This is Part 1 of a multi-part story of one woman’s journey leaving Christian Science. For all posts see ‘Spice‘. I was raised in.
By Renee, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. I am a medical assistant at a health and wellness practice. Recently at work we started this.
By Sharon, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. Christian Scientists have a lack of humanity, sympathy, empathy—whatever you want to call it—in the face of.
The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Science collective about growing up in Christian Science. It was very difficult to explain my.
By Marie. ‘Marie’ is a pseudonym. This was originally published on Emerging Gently, and it is shared here with permission. My mom sent me.