The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Old Habits Die Hard

The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Science collective about experiences seeking medical care and interacting with medical professionals. Back in 2000, I had this scaly patch on my neck. After watching it grow and covering it with makeup for two years a friend said, “that looks like skin cancer […]

My eyesight was on the line!

By Jenny, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group Contributor. When I was in my final year at Principia College, I developed some kind of eye infection. I went to the emergency room secretly, but was still somehow found out by a Christian Science nurse who interrogated me about why I was there. When I refused to tell […]

“The people here are so nice.”

By an anonymous Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. When my mother went into what turned out to be a diabetic coma I called 911, even though she made me promise never to call a doctor or take her to a hospital. The nurse there said her blood sugar was 800, the highest that had ever registered on her […]