The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Unashamed ExCS

By m.rose, submitted via email. m.rose is a pseudonym. For more information about how to share your story, please visit I am a former student of Principia. I was raised in Christian Science my whole life, and my mom is one of the most respected CS nurses in New England. My father attended Principia College, […]

Chrystal’s Story: New Beliefs

This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. New Beliefs I have decided to completely start from scratch with my own spiritual belief system. It’s kind of fun, to see what I believe in. It reminds me of the end of the book series, “The Hunger […]

Chrystal’s Story: The Year I Left Christian Science

This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. A Wedding at Principia During my Reunion Weekend A few years ago, I went to my brother’s wedding weekend at Principia College’s Chapel (it’s a beautiful campus, with buildings designed by nationally renowned architect, Bernard Maybeck. See: […]