The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Feeling Emotions

By Jodi, a Blog Contributor I am positive it’s been said elsewhere on this blog, multiple times, that Christian Science teaches that “there are bad emotions.” I am positive, also, that Christian Science is not the only belief system to teach this. I read an article recently that talked about Mary Baker Eddy being the […]

Get Wise Webinar: Emotions!

EMOTIONS! How do we deal with the full range of emotions when we were only taught to be “happy” and “grateful?” Sometimes it’s difficult to even feel our emotions after years of denial. What do we do with our emotions when they are so intense? This can be all the more challenging around the stress […]

Chrystal’s Story: The Year I Left Christian Science

This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. A Wedding at Principia During my Reunion Weekend A few years ago, I went to my brother’s wedding weekend at Principia College’s Chapel (it’s a beautiful campus, with buildings designed by nationally renowned architect, Bernard Maybeck. See: […]

Christian Science really screwed up my connection to ME

By Heidi, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. I was raised in Christian Science, but I was not enthusiastic about it when I enrolled at Principia College. Prin made me look at Christian Science differently—not good, not bad, just different—and after I left Prin, I got more into Christian Science before waffling my way back out […]