The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Resources for former-CS to share with their therapists

Now that you’ve found a therapist, how do you explain Christian Science? Your experience with Christian Science should be front and center, but we understand how difficult Christian Science can be to explain. We’ve compiled a short list of articles and resources that may be helpful. The Scientific Statement of Being 
There is no life, […]

Step-By-Step: Finding a Therapist

How to find a therapist is an evergreen topic among former-Christian Scientists. In the United States, folks can get in touch with their insurance companies or speak to their primary care medical provider to get a referral. The Psychology Today website ( has been helpful for many former CS. Secular Therapy ( a guarantees a […]

Get Wise Webinar: Emotions!

EMOTIONS! How do we deal with the full range of emotions when we were only taught to be “happy” and “grateful?” Sometimes it’s difficult to even feel our emotions after years of denial. What do we do with our emotions when they are so intense? This can be all the more challenging around the stress […]

Chrystal’s Story: New Beliefs

This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. New Beliefs I have decided to completely start from scratch with my own spiritual belief system. It’s kind of fun, to see what I believe in. It reminds me of the end of the book series, “The Hunger […]

Chrystal’s Story: The Year I Left Christian Science

This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. A Wedding at Principia During my Reunion Weekend A few years ago, I went to my brother’s wedding weekend at Principia College’s Chapel (it’s a beautiful campus, with buildings designed by nationally renowned architect, Bernard Maybeck. See: […]


Please know: the following may contain triggers for many people reading. The following post is by an Anonymous contributor. This whole #MeToo hashtag on social media (the Movement was started by Tarana Burke) has hit home for me and for so many of my friends – male, female, trans… Like just about every other woman […]

Mother’s Day (2 of 2)

The following musings on Mother’s Day have been submitted by an anonymous Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. This is part 2 of 2, part 1 was shared on May 14, 2017. A few years ago, I walked away from my bio mom. It has been a painful but necessary thing to do for my own peace. I could no longer […]

There ought to be a course in the training of psychiatrists about Christian Science

The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Science collective about seeking therapy after leaving Christian Science. These comments are an education. There ought to be a course in the training of psychiatrists about Christian Science and the processes involved when former adherents leave it. – Marion I find most people I talk to sort of […]

A Reflection of Perfection

By an anonymous Ex-Christian Scientist Group Contributor.   I was raised in Christian Science in Canada. We were a rare species! I was a fourth generation Christian Scientist. I recalled this morning, after 38 years, a Sunday school lesson when I was about four years old. In the lesson, the very old teacher explained to me […]