How to tell your medical provider about your CS background
How to tell your medical provider about your CS background is an ever-green topic that comes up for the ex-Christian Science community, so we.
Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science
How to tell your medical provider about your CS background is an ever-green topic that comes up for the ex-Christian Science community, so we.
Ask a NurseThe ExCS site has teamed with a registered nurse and paramedic with a background in healthcare education and public health. Married to.
By ExCS group contributor Jodi B. This is part of a series of first hand stories about vaccinations and Christian Science. I never received.
This post has been submitted by an ExCS group contributor. If you have questions about vaccinations, please ask your Doctor or other healthcare professional..
This is part of an on-going series, for all posts in this series see the tag Chrystal’s Story. New Beliefs I have decided to completely.
By Marion, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. When I was a Christian Scientist, our older child contracted diphtheria, and this fact was published on.