Why I’m doing this

My final departure from Christian Science began six years ago, when my Mom unexpectedly became ill and died, all within the span of about three months. She died in excruciating pain with a large tumour in her abdomen, all the while refusing any sort of medical intervention–not even pain abatement. She died in a Christian Science nursing facility before I was able to fly cross-country to see her. Later the same year, my Dad succumbed to untreated heart failure which had been going on for an estimated 5 – 7 years. During that time, he was in constant pain and discomfort and suffered two massive strokes at the end, which sent him into an irreversible state of dementia which often rendered him unable to recognize people (including myself) that he knew well. I was at his side during his last days. I will not share the same fate as my parents.

Watching this graphic proof of the complete failure of Christian Science in my own family was one of the last nails in the coffin for my belief in it. It was the final of many proofs to me that Christian Science is 100% false in each and every claim it makes of an ability to heal. Many a Christian Scientist will try to tell you that healing is not what it’s all about, but mark my words, it is one of the most central aspects of Christian Science practice. Why else do Christian Scientists aggressively lobby for legal protections for their ‘healing’ practice? Why does the Church tout its 80,000-plus ‘verified’ healings?

I do this because I want people to know what Christian Science is really all about. I want people to know that it does not work, that it is completely fallacious in its claims, and it can and has done some incredible damage to many people, and it has destroyed families. It took mine away from me in the worst possible way. In the end, I was unable to do much to help or save my parents. For so many years, I was so deeply immersed in the Christian Science ‘Krazy Sauce’, I couldn’t see how fallacious it really was, and I failed to see how serious my own parents’ health problems really were. By helping to build and maintain this website and speak out when I can, I hope to help others, and if I can convince even one person to walk away from Christian Science, it will be worth all of my efforts.


Content Editor & Writer,
The Ex-Christian Scientist