One day I threw all of my Christian Science notes, books and reference materials into the trash.
By Stacey, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. I doubted early in my life but didn’t act on it. It would not have been tolerated.
Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science
By Stacey, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. I doubted early in my life but didn’t act on it. It would not have been tolerated.
My final departure from Christian Science began six years ago, when my Mom unexpectedly became ill and died, all within the span of about.
By Susanna, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. Susanna is a pseudonym, to ensure anonymity. I studied American history in college and especially women’s history,.
Christian Science emerged into the intellectual environment of the late 19th century claiming to being scientific and the only truly reliable method of healing..
Originally published at, republished with permission and slight modification. Each Mind a Kingdom, firmly places Ms. Eddy in the historical context of the.
By Jeremy, an Ex-Christian Scientist group editor/writer. Like almost any other religion, Christian Science has its own mythology: those stories that form the core.
The following timeline is designed to put Christian Science after Mary Baker Eddy’s passing in context with medical advances and historical events of the.
The following timeline is designed to put Mary Baker Eddy’s life and discovery of Christian Science in historical context by showing Eddy’s achievements along.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when talking about Mary Baker Eddy is the context in which she founded Christian.