When most people first learn someone is a former Christian Scientist they tend to have a lot of questions and preconceived notions about the religion. We’re going to work from the basis that when people ask these questions and say these things they mean well and want to help. Most of us who have left Christian Science have heard these before.
But you seem so “normal!” Thanks.
Is that what Tom Cruise is involved in? No, that is Scientology.
You were brainwashed and raised in a cult. We know how messed up aspects of our upbringings were. Yes, some of us use ‘brainwashed’ and ‘cult’ to describe our experiences, but unless you’ve lived it, please don’t label us that way.
You need to find Jesus. Some of us have, some of us have found other paths. Please be respectful of that.
Why were dentists and optometrists OK but not doctors? We regularly wonder that too. Nineteenth century dental procedures (pulling teeth), and 19th century optometry (glasses) were more reliable than 19th century doctors. Mary Baker Eddy had a regular dentist and wore glasses.
Any of the following phrases:
- That is not Christian Science.
- No Christian Scientist would do that.
- You didn’t give Christian Scientist a chance, really understand it, or make it your own.
- You didn’t practice Christian Scientist properly.
- These stories are exceptions, my experience in Christian Science is different!
- People die in hospitals too!
Helpful articles:
- http://www.relevantmagazine.com/god/church/what-not-say-someone-who-has-been-hurt-church
- http://www.patheos.com/blogs/godlessindixie/2015/03/27/the-nones-vs-the-dones/

This site offers support resources to help individuals negotiate a transition in a manner that best fits their needs and convictions. We do not advocate any one particular path but acknowledge that there are many legitimate pathways that can be personally and spiritually fulfilling.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
How about “Isn’t that just positive thinking or mind over matter?”