Easter Baskets Confound Me (re-post)
Originally posted April 2019. Happy Easter to those who celebrate Contributor Chrystal You can refer to so many posts on this page that share.
Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science
Originally posted April 2019. Happy Easter to those who celebrate Contributor Chrystal You can refer to so many posts on this page that share.
Now that you’ve found a therapist, how do you explain Christian Science? Your experience with Christian Science should be front and center, but we.
How to find a therapist is an evergreen topic among former-Christian Scientists. In the United States, folks can get in touch with their insurance.
How to tell your medical provider about your CS background is an ever-green topic that comes up for the ex-Christian Science community, so we.
The following is a nonexhaustive list of Podcasts/YouTube that highlight CS and former-CS issues. All links worked at the time of publishing. This post.
Wishing you peace and happiness in this festive season. Jodi’s Winter Holiday Journey Kat’s Winter Holiday Journey Emerging Gently’s Holiday Musings Other Musings and.
The Thanksgiving Day service is the only ‘special’ service the Christian Science church offers. The readings from the desk include the Presidential proclamation for.
Small religion…big impact How many people have heard of Christian Science? Honestly, not many. It has always been an obscure religious sect with few.
Happy Halloween was originally posted on October 31, 2017 and is being shared again, as it is seasonally relevant. I have seen Halloween experienced.
The following was submitted via email by ERG. When I first left Christian Science as a 5th generation CS, I felt spiritually unmoored and.