The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Easter Baskets Confound Me (re-post)

Originally posted April 2019. Happy Easter to those who celebrate Contributor Chrystal You can refer to so many posts on this page that share that “The Manual of The Mother Church” specifically states that we can have no special celebration for Easter. I got to thinking about this last week. The religion proclaims to be […]

Gender and Christian Science

By Jodi, a blog contributor Growing up in Christian Science, I was taught that other religions taught that God is a “He.” Like Jesus said in the Lord‘s prayer: “Our Father….” My dad’s favorite bumper sticker that he saw one time said this: “trust in the Lord, She will provide.” Christian Science Sunday school taught me that […]

The Polarity of Christian Science

This post is a contribution by Chrystal C. Every Sunday School hour ended with a repetition of “The Scientific Statement of Being” by The Sunday School Superintendent. (Somehow, giving all these things a capital letter made them extra important to the impressionable child that was me as a little girl.) Question: What is the scientific […]

Unashamed ExCS

By m.rose, submitted via email. m.rose is a pseudonym. For more information about how to share your story, please visit I am a former student of Principia. I was raised in Christian Science my whole life, and my mom is one of the most respected CS nurses in New England. My father attended Principia College, […]

He told me to try a Bible-believing church just once

The following piece was submitted anonymously via email. It is part of our on-going series about people who have left Christian Science for a new spiritual path. Find other related posts under the tag ‘other spiritual paths’. If you are seeking Christian Scientists who have found a Christian path, we recommend the Fellowship of Former Christian Scientists. Like […]