The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

Ask a Nurse: Getting Vaccinated for Polio as an Adult

Ask a NurseThe ExCS site has teamed with a registered nurse and paramedic with a background in healthcare education and public health. Married to a former-CS, the Nurse would like to share their experience with the healthcare system, and answer any questions former-CS may have!  The Nurse will NOT get involved in diagnosing or giving medical […]

How to get Vaccinated

This post has been submitted by an ExCS group contributor. If you have questions about vaccinations, please ask your Doctor or other healthcare professional. For more posts about Healthcare see Healthcare Resources As someone raised in Christian Science, you may not have received recommended vaccinations as a child. This can leave you vulnerable to preventable […]

Why can’t Nana keep up with us?

By a contributor to The Ex-Christian Scientist. “Why can’t Nana keep up with us?” my child asked. The question hung in the air. “She’s older,” I replied. “She’s not as young and energetic as you are.” This answer seemed to satisfy my child, who skipped further up the path, leaving me to wait for Nana. But […]

Are Christian Scientists free to choose medical care or not?

By Bruce, an Ex-Christian Scientist group writer. A number of child death cases in the 1980s and 90s involving Christian Scientists, exposed The Mother Church, Christian Science practitioners, and Christian Science nurses to the potential of criminal and/or civil liability for the deaths of children under their care and/or treatment. The Church subsequently published a […]

Old Habits Die Hard

The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Science collective about experiences seeking medical care and interacting with medical professionals. Back in 2000, I had this scaly patch on my neck. After watching it grow and covering it with makeup for two years a friend said, “that looks like skin cancer […]

Childhood fascination with medicine & desire to fit in

The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Science collective about childhood health and safety issues they faced growing up in Christian Science.    Once I was at a friend’s house, and the mom handed me a Flintstones vitamin at dinner and I FREAKED. OUT. I jumped out of my seat and ran […]

I am grateful for her kindness and pragmatism.

By Stacey, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. My mom calls a Christian Science practitioner daily. She serves as my mother’s therapist. Fortunately, the CSP is a woman of reason and has encouraged my mom to not be so upset by this or that. My mom has never met this woman, as she lives several states […]