Thanksgiving – 2017

The Thanksgiving Day service is the only ‘special’ service the Christian Science church offers. The readings from the desk include the Presidential proclamation for Thanksgiving, as well as a few passages from The Bible and Science and Health. The service is then opened to the congregation for them to share ‘testimonies of healing and sharing of experiences in Christian Science.’

The following are testimonies from Ex-Christian Scientists, as they give thanks for having left Christian Science. Thank you all for your contributions!

We at The Ex-Christian Scientist offer no readings, or lengthy proclamations, merely our sincerest thanks for everyone who has contributed to our efforts.

All Thanksgiving posts are tagged Thanksgiving

I’m very grateful to be out of the cult of Christian Science. Every day, I demonstrate more and more reason, common sense, and humanity as I continue to leave CS in the rear view mirror. I’m eternally grateful for Caroline Fraser, Lucia Greenwood, Willa Cather, Mark Twain, the privilege of not attending my association any more, and modern medicine. Thank you.

I am thankful I left the CS church this past year after my mom refused to see a doctor when she began having heart attack and stroke symptoms. The practitioner who was close to my mother did not show up to pray for my mom until 3 days after she had the stroke. My mom died 2 days later, frustrated and bewildered. She would be alive today if she had sought medical treatment. A few months later my cousin who was only 55 died because she refused treatment for skin cancer. I lost 2 of my favorite people in the world because they wouldnt see a doctor. I dont have any ill feelings towards the Christian Science Church or its members. All the Christian Scientists I know, have been exceptionally kind over the years. In fact I grew up as a Christian Scientist. They are very kind well meaning people, but they cannot bring back my mom or my favorite cousin who refused medical treatment and died unnecessarily. And this is the reason I left the church. Thank you, Titania

I always love the Ex Christian Science Thanksgiving service. It’s my favorite service of the whole year. I look forward to it every year. Growing up in Christian Science, we always heard the Thanksgiving Proclamation by the President of the United States. I always enjoyed that part of the service, and felt like The President of the United States had written this beautiful piece of writing about our great country, and we got to hear this in church. (For one, brief, shining moment, there was no separation of church and state, and this moment validated the christian science belief system to me.) This year, I am so grateful for so many things. I am especially grateful for that fact that I no longer use the word “grateful” in my every day language. I am happy for something, or I enjoy something. But I am no longer forced to constantly “look for the good and be grateful about every g*d-d*mned thing.” I am grateful for the fact that I can be home, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade instead of having to be forced to sit still while someone’s relative stands up and talks in a high pitched squeaky voice about whatever the h*ll they want to talk about, for 20 minutes, until the Reader starts interrupting them, saying, “thank you” and trying to get them to sit down, while the rest of us “pray to know the truth about that individual.” I am grateful that last year’s Thanksgiving was the first time my extended family had wine on the beverage table. A handful of us all laughed together that we, as a predominantly Christian Science family had finally all left it and could finally be bold enough to drink wine together, and talk about wine regions and just enjoy it. I had never felt closer to these people. We don’t have secrets anymore. We can all just be ourselves and share laughter now instead of judgement. It’s so liberating! I am so grateful for my psychiatric care and my patient psychiatrist who is helping me figure out meds for my ADHD issues, and depression and anxiety. My life is filling up with color and joy and happiness now, instead of chronic self-judgement and anger. I just picked up my violin this morning, with my healed shoulder thanks to surgery AND rehabilitation! It felt so good to play violin and feel focussed. I bet playing my violin may be a wonderful way to help me focus (as some might do meditation) and be a part of my ADHD recovery. I am grateful for the doctors my kids go to, I am grateful to not have to get the flu anymore. My family and I all got it annually and bi-annually until we started getting the flu shot. It’s WONDERFUL not to have to suffer for 3 days to a week or more with flu symptoms. And then have to play “catch up” with life afterward. I know my Testimony is going long, and I’m trying to keep it brief, per the strict instructions we were given on Thanksgiving day services. Thank you for being patient with me as I try to conclude. I have one more thing I am especially grateful for this year, above all other years since leaving the christian science branch church experience and ultimately the belief system: I don’t have to sit there and hear the g*d-d*mn*d Presidential Proclamation this year. I am certain my Ex CS friends around the world are ALSO grateful they don’t have to hear it. The POTUS of the US is NOT the POTUS of the world. Praise the LAWD!

I am so grateful for knowledgeable, compassionate, and capable doctors. My mother-in-law had illogically initially decided to forgo medical treatment for breast cancer, but despite her postponing the treatment she was able to enjoy many comfortable years of life with her granddaughter. I am also grateful that I am able to communicate clearly with my daughter about her grandmother’s death. Just tonight she asked me, “Why Grandma had to die?” and I was able to have a conversation with her without gaslighting her or invalidating her feelings. I’m also grateful for the endless stream of people who came to send Grandma off and to reminisce about what she meant to them. Without these celebrations of human life we lose our connection to one another. I am truly grateful for basic common sense rooted in human community.