Measles are back in the news, so we have compiled relevant posts. The CDC page,, and Texas Department of Health & Human Services.
Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science
Measles are back in the news, so we have compiled relevant posts. The CDC page,, and Texas Department of Health & Human Services.
Many thanks to those who helped compile these lists and resources. Leaving Christian Science: The Mental Health Episodes Licensed social worker and former guest.
Now that you’ve found a therapist, how do you explain Christian Science? Your experience with Christian Science should be front and center, but we.
How to find a therapist is an evergreen topic among former-Christian Scientists. In the United States, folks can get in touch with their insurance.
How to tell your medical provider about your CS background is an ever-green topic that comes up for the ex-Christian Science community, so we.
Ask a NurseThe ExCS site has teamed with a registered nurse and paramedic with a background in healthcare education and public health. Married to.
One of the most common questions the ExChristian Scientist site gets is “Why do Christian Scientists go to optometrists but not doctors?” Yeah, that.
Ask a NurseThe ExCS site has teamed with a registered nurse and paramedic with a background in healthcare education and public health. Married to.
Ask a Nurse The ExCS site has teamed with a registered nurse and paramedic with a background in healthcare education and public health. Married.
Ask a Nurse The ExCS site has teamed with a registered nurse and paramedic with a background in healthcare education and public health. Married.