“Simple” Ideas
We are revisiting content from other former-CS content creators and sharing posts that we feel might be helpful or of interest.This post originally appeared.
Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science
We are revisiting content from other former-CS content creators and sharing posts that we feel might be helpful or of interest.This post originally appeared.
A non-exhaustive Book List This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support of ExChristianScience.com! Most CS who have been out for a.
Originally published on kindism.org, reprinted with permission. This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support of kindism.org and ExChristianScience.com Christian Science is.
Originally published at kindism.org, republished with permission and slight modification. Each Mind a Kingdom, firmly places Ms. Eddy in the historical context of the.
The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science, Willa Cather Buy from Amazon (affiliate link) This book is a.
Christian Science, Mark Twain Read for free online Buy from Amazon (affiliate link) From Mark Twain’s book Christian Science, 1907 edition, pp. 208-209 [Mary Baker Eddy.
Mary Baker Eddy, Gillian Gill. Buy from Amazon (affiliate link) The criticism of this book is that it pulls punches, and, some readers find it dry. Personally,.
Mrs. Eddy: The Biography of a Virginal Mind, Edwin Franden Dakin Buy from Amazon (affiliate link) I just finished reading the Dakin book, which I.
The Healing Revelations of Mary Baker Eddy: The Rise and Fall of Christian Science, Martin Gardner Buy from Amazon (affiliate link) In this light-hearted book,.
The Unseen Shore: Memories of a Christian Science Childhood, Thomas Simmons Buy from Amazon I gave a copy of The Unseen Shore to the senior.