The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

“The people here are so nice.”

By an anonymous Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. When my mother went into what turned out to be a diabetic coma I called 911, even though she made me promise never to call a doctor or take her to a hospital. The nurse there said her blood sugar was 800, the highest that had ever registered on her […]

Christian Science Is Not Comfort

By Ashley, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. I was a third generation Christian Scientist. I was all-believing and never could imagine not being a devout student. I served as Second Reader, substitute First Reader, was a Sunday School teacher, lecture committee Chair, secretary for the Board meetings, and more. My profound challenge came at around […]

Why I’m doing this

It was two days before my thirteenth birthday when the first of my grandparents died spectacularly and unnecessarily, traumatizing the whole family. The story includes the classic Christian Science elements of not even his spouse knowing until… then not even his sons knowing until… not getting him to the hospital until… and he’s yelling Christian […]

I can just sit here and think it all better

By Heidi, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group Contributor.   I just spent eleven days alone in the remotest parts of Big Bend National Park on a research project, and in my down time, I was reading ‘Fingerprints of God’ because while I am agnostic, I think there’s an awful lot of coincidence out there. It has […]

A Reflection of Perfection

By an anonymous Ex-Christian Scientist Group Contributor.   I was raised in Christian Science in Canada. We were a rare species! I was a fourth generation Christian Scientist. I recalled this morning, after 38 years, a Sunday school lesson when I was about four years old. In the lesson, the very old teacher explained to me […]

Reshaping My Distorted Image of Doctors

By an anonymous Ex-Christian Scientist Group Contributor.   I went to the doctor for the first time when I was fourteen years old. Months of caring for my mother as she succumbed to untreated breast cancer forged the courage my sister and I needed to break away from our parents’ radical reliance on Christian Science […]