The Ex-Christian Scientist

Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science

“mother-love includes purity and constancy”

A variation of this post appeared on Mother’s Day 2016, and has been updated/expanded. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, this post contains affiliate links where noted. In honor of Mother’s Day, we’ve collected some poignant stories of growing up with Christian Science Mothers. First Hand Experiences with Mothers & Christian Science  […]

My thoughts on Father’s Day…

This originally appeared on Emerging Gently, and is re-published here–with some edits, with permission. A few years ago on Father’s Day, I shared a picture of my Dad on my Facebook timeline. Unlike many other pictures that people share of their fathers on Father’s Day, I don’t share the camera space with him in this […]

Why would anyone join? My Father’s Story

Originally published on, reprinted with permission in honor of Father’s Day. A little while back I ran my piece on the five questions I’m commonly asked by people when they find out I was raised in Christian Science. I wanted to go back and elaborate on question four:   Why would anyone join? Christian […]

My mother is still waiting for us to come back to church…

By Stacey, an Ex-Christian Scientist Group contributor. My family was introduced to Christian Science when my mom’s uncle was in the hospital and was not expected to live—I’m not sure from what. Someone said they should try Christian Science. He got better and lived a long life. There were about twelve siblings in the family […]

Conversations can be very strained when we get together.

The following is a collection of contributions from members of the Ex-Christian Scientist collective about the impact Christian Science has had on relationships.   I definitely relate to the many families who have been torn apart by Christian Science. My sister and I lost our mother to this thing. She is slowly dying of an undiagnosed illness, but […]